Back Pain and other Back Issues in Pets
Back Pain and other Back Issues in Pets Symptoms of Back Pain Back pain in Pets is often seen on an emergency or urgent care basis. Sometimes it is difficult to know that your pet has back pain. Their symptoms may simply be reluctance to go on a walk. Other signs reported by owners include: not…
Read MoreFear Free Pets
Fear Free Pets Here at Somerset Veterinary Clinic, we pride ourselves in being a Fear Free Certified Clinic. We have all worked hard to help make this place as comfortable and inviting to your four-legged family members as we possibly can. How do you know if your pet is anxious? Sometimes it is quite obvious when…
Read MoreWhat’s New (and Old) in the Management of Feline Urinary Disorders
What’s New (and Old) in the Management of Feline Urinary Disorders What is FIC? Feline Idiopathic Cystitis just means inflammation of the urinary bladder due to an unknown cause. Years ago this was often called FLUTD ( Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease). FLUTD is now reserved for the set of symptoms including inappropriate urination, straining…
Read MoreDiabetes Mellitus : Part 2
Diabetes Mellitus : Part 2 How do I know the treatment is working? After the initial diagnosis, you will be asked to have a blood glucose curve done on your pet. Traditionally, this meant that your pet would be at the clinic for most of the day. Blood glucose would be checked throughout the day…
Read MoreFear Not! Seizures Can Be Scary But Knowledge Is Your Friend
Fear Not! Seizures Can Be Scary But Knowledge Is Your Friend You find yourself in a sudden panic as your beloved pet has lost all control and is convulsing on the ground. What a scary moment for any pet owner! Seizures seem to be much more common in dogs and cats than humans. Although this…
Read MoreWhy Bloodwork is So Important
Why Bloodwork is So Important In veterinary medicine, we are at a distinct disadvantage to our human doctor counterparts. Our patients cannot speak. They cannot say ,” Doc, I often have to get up and urinate during the night” or “ I get nauseous every time I have an empty stomach.” Many things can be…
Read MoreMy Pet Ate What?
My Pet Ate What? Welcome to the first Somerset Urgent Care Blog! We will be addressing some common questions and concerns for pet owners about when and why they may need Urgent Care and what to expect. We often get calls questioning what the pet has eaten or at least chewed on and if they…
Read MoreWhen do I need Urgent Care for my Pet?
When do I need Urgent Care for my Pet? If you have an issue with your pet, we always recommend giving us a call. We should be able to give you some good advice on the phone about what to do in every situation. However, sometimes, you may be asking yourself, should I do something…
Read MoreDiabetes Mellitus: Part 1
Diabetes Mellitus: Part 1 Most of us know someone with Diabetes but did you know that Diabetes is frequently diagnosed in our pets. 1 in 300 dogs and 1 in 230 cats are diagnosed with Diabetes in their lifetime. Humans are now up to 1 in 10 will be diagnosed with Diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus in…
Read MoreEnjoying Summer With your Pets
Enjoying Summer with Your Pets Summer is fast approaching and I personally love the hot, humid weather of summer in Iowa. However, I know that many do not and I also realize some of our pets don’t tolerate this well. This months blog will highlight some warnings and summer safety tips for your pet.…
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